Tuesday, 22 May 2007

BFI Southbank

Have you visited the BFI Southbank yet? There's no denying it: this is more than a showcase for moving image culture. It's a destination to make time for, and a great place to be. Come here to relax, network, browse, shop, eat, drink and be merry...you'll find the films are rather good too.
As well as housing the old National Film Theatre screens, the new BFI Southbank has so much more to offer when it comes to contemporary film culture.
Whether you want to shop in the Filmstore, relax with a coffee in watch the world go by, or investigate the world where art and the moving image meet in our new Gallery space.
The highlight of the new building though is without question the Mediatheque. Designed by leading British Architects, the Mediatheque will change the way you think about archives, offering unparalleled access to hundreds of film and television titles drawn from the BFI National Archive.

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